Sunday, January 23, 2011

Web 2.0 - Video

I must say that this was the hardest assignment I've done all week. I hate videos of myself. Dreading it was the worst part, no wait…knowing others will see it is the worst by far. First I wanted to do the recording in my office, but my desk was a mess, so I decided I would share the view from my front porch. However, I waited until late evening, then the sun setting in the west was blinding. All my great ideas were shot. So here is the link for my video.


  1. Holy cow! A computer and a coffee pot died all the same day? Sounds like some kind of conspiracy.

    Good job on the video. I loved the mountains in the background.

  2. The question is, which would you rather have- the pc or the coffee pot?

    Nice job- clean and to the point. Even the sun wasn't as bad as your description made it. Now just need to add a little more personalization!

